
In order to obtain a Content Service Provider Licence, an applicant should follow the following outline:

1. The Independent Broadcasting Authority do publish a notice in the gazette and daily newspapers inviting members of the general public to apply for a broadcasting service in Zambia, as stipulated in the advert.

2. Interested applicants submit the application to the Authority with the required documents as follows :
A business plan.
A certificate of registration from Pacra/Registrar of Societies.
A programming schedule.
A list of Board members (a minimum of 5 names, a copy of their NRCs and a curriculum Vitae for each one must be attached).
A filled in application form.
Proof of payment of application fee (K3,000)

Note Application fee is non-refundable.

3. The application shall be received and submitted for evaluation to the Licensing Committee of the Board.

4. The Licensing Committee shall make recommendations to the IBA Board for consideration.

5. The Board shall approve /disapprove the application.
Where the application has been approved, the Board will grant a broadcasting licence to the applicant and a licence is issued .Where the Board has not approved the application, the applicant is informed.

6. When the broadcasting licence is issued, the licensee shall begin to construct the station in accordance with the IBA standards.

7. When the licensee completes its construction, it shall invite the Authority for an inspection. The inspection is conducted in collaboration with ZICTA who are custodians of spectrum and they ensure that the broadcasting equipment has the ZICTA approval.

8. When the Inspection is satisfactory, the licensee can now commerce broadcasting and develop the Code of Ethics, and remain compliant in accordance with the IBA Acts.